Thursday, April 16, 2009

Our Baby is 2!!

Our Little Avah is 2 today and I just cannot believe it! She has grown and changed so much in the last 2 years. She is so much fun and I'm so glad she is ours. Avah was our little surprise baby but what a wonderful surprise she was. Here are some pictures of her growing up the last 2 years......enjoy!

Newborn Avah about an hour old
All the girls on the 4th of July. Avah was about 2 and a half months
Avah at about 6 months old

8 or 9 months
One year old! She was just getting over RSV. Poor baby.

18 months old in the mud! (Notice Riah in the background with the dreaded paci!)
And this is the little angel on Easter just 4 days shy of being 2. What a cutie!
We are having her party on Saturday so stayed tuned for those pictures. Happy Birthday Avah Brooke we love you!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Happy birthday Avah! What a cutie!