Friday, January 9, 2009

Words of Advice.......

When you let your darling girls spend the day covering your face with sparkly make-up and giving you an oh so fabulous make over make sure you remember to wash it off before you go to circle k to get gas or you might get some funny stares and people smiling at you in that "haha" way and then you will go out to your car and look into your rear view mirror too see if you have a booger hanging out of you nose or something and instead you will see that your face looks like a barbie doll gone hooker!!!! P.S. Sorry no picture with this post, I've had enough embarrassment for one day!:)


Jennifer said...

HAHAHA! That's the joy of having kids!! Hasn't happened to me yet so it's really funny :o)
That's cute though. It just shows that you are a good mommy.

Ashley said...

I can't wait for the day!!